North Norfolk
Writer's Group

North Norfolk
Writer's Group
We originally came together as strangers having signed up to take part in a course run by Norfolk Adult Education. Some to escape isolation, some to pursue a long-held interest. One of our members was newly moved to the area for work and Tuesday just happened to be his day off. Whatever their reasons, we were drawn to the title 'Writing from Life Experience.
The first lesson came and as a group we all just clicked. The course progressed and our writing improved. We discovered confidence, acceptance and friendship. When that course finished, we took the next one and the next. However, months later at the end of term, there was not another course to take. Not wanting to lose contact we put together our own ‘Summer School’ for four meetings held at Merchants Place.
The following Autumn found us in Cromer library, wondering if our little group was going to be able to continue. Then a lovely lady from Norfolk Learning put us in touch with Norfolk CAN Connect and we emerged with their help and support into a community group, 'The North Norfolk Writers Group.' We aim to bring together and support creative writers in the North Norfolk area. To promote further learning, mutual support and combat isolation among our members. We meet on the second and fourth Tuesday afternoons of each month at Merchants Place in Cromer. ease take a look before you go.
January 2020 saw us hold our first meeting and we were off to a great start. Then Covid took over everyone's lives. It was a difficult and stressful time for everyone worldwide. We were concerned that our fledgling group may not survive the Covid-19 crisis. That concern though had to take a backseat. We as individuals had more pressing anxieties, about family, work and health.
However, time passed, and everyone settled into the Lockdown and the new ways we have of living. We survived - the group managed to keep in contact by email, video conferences and the odd text message. We restarted meetings in April 2021 and if you check out our Blog here you will be able to see what we have been up to since those early days.
If you would like to join us you can email us at northnorfolkwritersgroup@gmail.com for further information.
On our WORK page you will find some of our work please take a look before you go.